Gamers Geeks
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Ultimate Fantasy Adventure | |||||||||||
![]() Lands and haunted monsters, what our Deicide developers thought we were missing here was an Adventure. Just walking around and killing monsters as shown¡¦ What our team thought that we needed was actual individual adventurism with not just spacious lands and dungeons, but with diversity of landscapes such as canyons, and valleys, and also lots of cliffs. Various quests adventure along with mercenary work for money, adventure towards the world of marvelous scenery and monsters, that is what our Deicide really seeking into. | |||||||||||
Deicide : the neo generation of online game society | |||||||||||
Thursday, November 29, 2007
ArchLord - Set in the world of Chantra, this game is an epic fantasy mix, featuring lush in game graphics and a soft sensual soundtrack brilliantly scored by the London Symphony Orchestra. ArchLord brings together all the elements that make MMOs so enjoyable but with a unique hook, the chance to rule the in game world and with it receive a range of benefits.
The world of Chantra is designed around the five elements, fire, spirit, earth, water and air providing all the areas with very unique and distinctive looks. As you move through the world from the dark expanses of the Orc home world through to the bright, light marble of the human world you will find yourself constantly drawn into to this lush and vivid environment.
Players are able to play as one of three unique races including Humans, Moon Elf’s and Orcs and within each race they will be able to choose from one of eight different classes depending on their chosen race. Each of these classes will have a host of unique features that players will need to master in order to become true masters of their class, this will present a challenge to both new and seasoned players alike.
One of the most appealing features is it’s ability to accommodate both the hardcore PvP fan as well as those looking for more solo action in a quest based game. Players will find themselves able to take part in massive real time battles between guilds accommodating hundreds of players. Or for those that wish to engage in more solo based play they will be able to partake in an extensive range of quests to explore the world and level their skills.
There is more to ArchLord than just the above, there are many features of the game that you really must experience first hand to get a feel for the depth and quality that this game offers. ArchLord has something for everyone, but do you have what it takes to become the ArchLord?Apocalypse Online
Our story begins..
in a long time ago in the beginning of what most called the second millennium. It was a golden era of humanity and for several years the world had know peace.
Technology was thriving and the hope of ending starvation and illness were high. Once could almost call it a Garden of Eden.
But, each garden has its weed… Terrorists desiring power and wealth spread seeds of destruction and fear gripped nations worldwide. As a reaction corrupt leaders gain control and retaliate with full force. As the wars wage on resources start to diminish and research are only conducted on new means to slaughter.
The wars end but there are little resources left, as a consequence the newly formed United Federation and their nemesis Eastern Asia Coalition (E.A.C) looked to the skies, searching for new celestial bodies to drain dry. As they speed their way to the stars, experimenting with newfound technology something went wrong, terribly wrong.
Both powers rocketed themselves to the heavens establishing bases of operations on the moon. They meant to proceed from there, however, it wasn’t meant to be… The United Federation who had been doing rapid development in space travel meant to beat the opposition to the heavens, and they did succeed but at a price far too high.
At the day of the launch of “Ark 1” men and women alike looked anxiously towards the moon, their eyes filled with hope. But hope flickered as the moonlit sky bellowed and screamed at those below, threatening of some terrible vengeance, the canopy of night grew red and furious, finally she screeched as the unleashed her wrath and her terribly fury. As she pounded the earth with rocky fists bleeding flame and molten tears mankind cried out in agony and fear as countless of innocent lives were lost. Afterwards the survivors beheld the redemption for the act of the foolish and the greedy, there up in the sky was the shattered remains of a broken pearl laid out on a sea of black velvet, the bliss of the moon had been stolen from the sky, nothing seemed sacred, the gods had been violated and desecrated by this horrific deed, and left mankind to rip itself apart.
In the years that followed governments blamed each other as the earth was terraformed. The remaining nations fought fiercely for what scarce supplies was left, at first small battles and skirmishes, but they quickly evolved to full-scale war. For several decades mankind fought at the brink of annihilation and even so the wars waged on, until one day…when a foolish man pressed a button that would forever change the future.
Scholars and scientists had for long predicted the outcome and had fled into underground vaults; taking with them everyone they could, to escape the eminent holocaust.
As the sky rained death and destruction everyone thought all was lost…apparently they were wrong, for in the aftermath survivors that had evaded the great bombs started to creep out of their holes into a whole new world. A world where only the truly strong prevailed.
Several years has now passed since the Apocalypse and now it’s you turn to join the fight, and fight you will. But not for glory, neither for fame, nor for wealth. No, you fight for your life!
2000: Height of human civilization
It was a golden age for man, new technologies were under rapid advancement. Several innovations reaching the markets every month. War was a concept reserved for the poor and petty countries remaining in the world. Places who clung to religious fanaticism for government. Life was easy, if you needed food you need go no further than your refridgerator, if you sought news, no further than your couch or front door step.
2001: World Trade Centers hit by terrorists
Yes, a golden age indeed it had been. So bright and sparkling that no one could see the sinister and dark dealings that went on in the seedy underbelly of society. So blinded were they that they paid hide nor hair to the greater reality, the burden of truth so great to those in the know that they were powerless to avoid disaster, and none could know what that would entail.
2003: America invades Iraq
Anger, outrage, and most of all FEAR, gripped tightly onto the hearts and minds of man. Before long none could think of anything save their own mortality, they sought safety and protection. They thought they had found it, solace taken in a military ruler. Promises to destroy and irradicate those who would threaten our gold peace.
2005: United States enacts several unconstitutional government powers such as wiretaps and secret military prisons.
And so, all in the name of the greater good, and YOUR security; that military government began to portray qualities that were unto themselves altogether frightening. None could be sure truly how dark their lives had become, so obscured was that shining brilliance of a golden age just inches beyond their reach. You would wake up one morning and look next door, the windows and doors boarded up, the building, it used to be your neighbour Joe's, you remember Joe don't you? Good guy, coached little league. Then one day, his house was like that, it looked like it hadn't been lived in for years. Still you'd remember, vaguely, that he once lived there and cooked steaks on his grill outback.
2006: Tension grows between US, Japan and China grows over North Korea and Iran’s nuclear weapon desires.
The media turned onto reports being fed to them by the military. Stories of other countries getting involved in the conflicts and squabbles of neighbouring territories. The mass production of 'super bombs' and extreme yield missiles. A world war was beginning, though only the bravest of scholars and most liberal of officials would dare to call it such. Too great was the control that the government now exhibited over life.
2010: Religious crusades are called upon by Christian and Muslim leaders as civil war erupts in Iraq, Afghanistan and several neighbouring countries. New space propulsion technology is tested but causes several deaths, US decides to move it to the moon.
And in the midst of all this turmoil and war, the only two things that have always seen humanity through troubling times, faith and invention, grew once more in strength. Many 'born again' Christians took up the call of the holy church, and amidst the wars and battles of the super powers, so to began a series of religious crusades.
All while the war-torn lands of the east became home to religious uprisings, the home front continued like a well-oiled machine, creating and inventing, the bravest new technology a form of inter-planetary propulsion. It's initial tests had catastrophic results, many lives were risked and lost to the experimental technology, but more volunteers always came forward.
2011: Cheap Arab oil begins to have shortages, US invades Mexico and Canada to control the large oil deposits fueling war with China, both look to other worlds for more resources.
The innovations and innovators, as all resources, became more and more scarce. Echoed by the earth herself it seemed, the thick black life fluid of society, that which gathered so abundantly in the veins beneath Arabian sands had been bled dry. The US sought desperately to fulfill their near vampiric need for the black goop, unable to slake their thirst, the US turned on friend and neighbour. Turning the attentions of their war machine temporarily to the borders at home, they secured the oil in the west of the Northlands, and to the south in Mexico. Able once more to fuel their mechanical need for conquest they turned their gaze onto the heavenly bodies, seeking to pilfer the very stars above.
2012: Space race between US and China grows as both establish bases on the moon. A new form of propulsion test fails with devastating results, shattering the moon. China’s base is also destroyed and chunks of the moon fall to earth. Several medium sized impacts leave 30% of the population dead and kicks dust into the atmosphere causing colder temperatures. China blames the US for the destruction.
Two great powers had rocketed themselves at the heavens, they called it progress. They meant to proceed with their progress from the lunar surface. Alas, it was not meant to be, the US did manage to succeed in one thing, they stopped China from beating them into the cosmos. Back on Terra Firma, the people looked up into the moonlit sky, as it bellowed and screamed at those below, threatening of some terrible vengeance, then the canopy of night grew red and angry, finally she screeched as she unleashed her terrible fury. Pounding on the earth with rocky fists bleeding flame and molten tears. Many men, women, and children perished under the night sky's vengeful fury, more than could be counted. The next night, the survivors looked up and saw a the shattered remains of a broken pearl laid out on a sea of black velvet. The moon had been stolen from the heavens, nothing seemed sacred, the gods above seemed somehow violated, desecrated by this act.
2013: China begins to invade all of Asia and Australia for resources as crops fail and temperatures continue to decline while the United States of America becomes known as the United Federation. Japan pleads for support. The United Federation unites Europe and Africa under the popular name of “The New World Order,” envisioned by so many tyrants before.
The shattered moon has hung above the world now for a year, the skies have grown dark and clouded, they weep almost constantly for their lost pearl. The sun has become scarce, hiding behind the thick layer that is humanity's shame. It's cold now, and getting colder. The public has grown wary of an ice age to come. To appease their fears China is expanding they've began to annex their neighbouring countries, and even Australia to the south, they have mouths to feed and fears to quell. It's what any loving parent would do for their children.
Japan protested and spoke out against the invading armies, they called out across the oceans for aid. The call was heard, by the newly formed “United Federation.” Hey they'd already annexed parts of Canada and Mexico, they couldn't really be called “The States” anymore, somehow this seemed fitting, a short time passed and the Federation closed deals with other countries and governments in Europe and Africa, the pact named, “The New World Order,” cast it's gaze outward over the world in conflict.
2014: All Japanese leaders and activists are exiled and picked up by the United Federation or executed in death camps. The United Federation enacts the draft and brings billions of men and women into the military. Chaos erupts as homeland police imprison and execute all Asians in the United Federation as China also imprisons and executes all races not of Asian decent.
Their pleas became whimpers, their whimpers sobs, the Japanese who spoke out against the Chinese annexation were being picked off. Destroyed as they were found, the United Federation managed to pick up a few of them and bring them to safe harbour on their home front, just in time to become members of the Federation's draft army. Still, there were fears in the homeland also, and the citizens of the Federation didn't feel safe with all of those 'un-american' types around. The Federation decided it's best bet was to shuffle the Asian members of their community into camps seperate from the rest of the population, never to be heard from again.
Unfortunately, fear is a universal concept, and all of the non-Asians living in the newly expanded Chinese Empire suffered a similar fate, shuffled into ghettos and 'work camps' if not shot on the spot for resisting.
2015: Russia’s government is replaced with fresh Soviet leadership ready to return to Russia’s old strength. China and Russia face several skirmishes over territory; Russia deploys its entire army along the boarder with ground, air, and submarine launch platforms for nuclear missiles to deter China’s expansion.
The expansion of the empire of China did not go unnoticed however, and those sects of Russia who still held their old glory for centuries past close to heart gained strength through promises of safety and military strength. This new Soviet leadership took into office prepared for a long and arduous battle, deploying troops where needed most to fend off the encroaching Chinese Empire, and while all attentions were turned to a few major skirmishes they quickly deployed all their military strength along their borders to protect what had been theirs for as long as any could remember. The Soviets held nothing back; even going so far as to strategically place submarines as nuclear launch platforms to deter China's expansion hoping to force them into a cold war.
2016: China launches several missiles into the Middle East, destroying 90% of the infrastructure, including much of Israel. The Chinese invade and take over as many of the few remaining oil fields. Terrorists launch a single nuclear missile from a United Federations silo into the heart of China. China reacts minutes later with its own nuclear missiles, targeting as many of the United Federation cities as possible. Russia remains excluded as it builds thousands of new nuclear missiles and drafts every citizen into the army. 3% of the United Federation, comprising of the top intellectuals move into underground vaults as insurance in case of an apocalyptic event. Widespread mutations and cancer cases spring up all over from the radiation exposure leaving millions dead from the radioactive fallout.
Come to a stand still with the Soviet Union, as they stock piled weapons of all destructive capability, and drafted more and more soldiers. The Chinese Empire turned it's attention to the east, unleashing a plethora of long range missiles over what was once called 'The Holy Land' all that now remain were a few stray oil rigs, which the Empire quickly secured for their own purposes, and a lot of broken dusty terrain.
A small renegade army cell from The Federation managed to secured the launch codes for a nuclear missile at this time and unleashed it into the heart of China. Unwilling to go down without a fight, they retaliated as soon as they detected the missile, unlocking the launch codes and firing several of their own nuclear devices at the homelands of The United Federation.
This triggered a thought in The Federation, a fear for self preservation, and so they built a massive underground city in a radiation resistant vault. The few chosen to go and live there were the very top of scholarly society in The Federation. If any could bring us back from the edge of beyond, it would be the great thinkers.
Shortly after these scientists had fled underground panic struck the world, thousands fell ill from radiation exposure, cancer became a widespread epidemic, and mutations were beginning to appear in all the newborn children. There was nothing any could do to stop it.
2017: The majority of China and the United Federation have withdrawn and fallen to chaos while the war continues.
The epidemics and mutations in the areas that have been affected by the irradiation have caused widespread panic, once strong civil structures began falling into chaos and anarchy, both the Chinese Empire and United Federation were forced to recall the vast majority of their troops to keep order at home. Those soldiers left to fight for either side have become largely antonymous.
2018: Russia launches its entire saved up arsenal of nuclear weapons directly into China leaving nothing left, the few Chinese in power return with the last missiles they have and Russia’s inexperienced government collapses to anarchy.
Russia growing increasingly wary of the numbers of soldiers in the Chinese Empire now that they've been recalled lets the nibbling fear devour them. The Soviet government unleashes their vast cache of missiles into Chinese territory. China once more unwilling to take a hit without giving instantly okayed the launch of what missiles they had remaining at the Soviet capital.
Under the ensuing chaos and failing loyalty of the conscripted citizens, the Soviet government failed, and the country fell to anarchy as riots and terror hit the streets.
2019: The United Federations’ government is overtaken by warlords competing for power as starvation and nuclear winter consumes the entire world. As cities are plunged into anarchy, a mass exodus begins as refugees migrate to the untouched tundra, mountains, plains and forests to start over.
The Soviets were not however, the only ones who failed to keep calm and control in their citizens. In the Federation the rule of law began to fail, and several warlords rose up to compete with one another for power over the starving masses. The world that once seemed cold and bleak after the moon fell would seem a balmy tropical vacation compared to the onset of nuclear winter. The population fled to the north and south, seeking lands untouched by the devastation. Migrating to areas they hoped would still be capable of supporting life. Hoping against all hope for a place to start over.
Damn it's cold.
2020: Cold, so cold, so dark. How did we fall so far? Humanity! Where is humanity? Hashing out a bleak existence in the darkness. In the mountains, in the tundra. Humanity fought for survival and the numbers were failing. The old dead, and the young dying.
So cold.
2053: The planet slowly begins to show signs of warming as the atmosphere clears a little bit. Occasional sunbeams illuminate barren lands and show that civilization has taken a few steps back, leaving the biotechnical and post industrial societies of before to become pastoral and horticultural societies. Raider clans, sprung from the old warlords fight for domination wherever possible.
Signs of spring began to show, more than 30 long years have passed, the rolling black mass of clouds has began to fade, giving way to dark grays, purples, reds. The suns rays have began to touch on the fringe territories. Those places least affected by the winter. For the first time in many decades man dared to look up into the sky. For the first time in many decades some came forth from their shelters, caves and ravines they had learned to call home. Came forth and looked up and gasped as there on the home of a barren tundra dweller a beam of sun broke the clouds and illuminated their dirty face, and shabby clothing of animal skins.
The war bands looked up, and they too saw a change, and with change came opportunity. Those who had once been the war bands of the collapsed Federation began preparing for a new dawn. They dug up old caches of weaponry and armour, it would not be long now, before the world was livable once more.
Once leader dug into the ground with a shovel and reached up to wipe his brow, it was so warm working out here beneath the breaking clouds. It felt good.
2057: Several nomadic tribes are found slaughtered with their crops plundered by raider clans. The more peaceful tribes begin to move closer together for protection.
A few more years and the sun had grown strong enough to support seasonal crops, several tribes of nomads sprung up who began to follow the new 'seasons' across those lands which were capable of growing, they lead peaceful lives.
It was not long however from the time when the nomads began their tribal lives that one tribe came across the remains of another, having expected trade, they found only death. The entire tribe had been culled, man woman and child's bodies littered the ground, and their gardens and crops had been pillaged, the soil vigorously broken and overturned. They dare not dwell long for fear of the same fate, they began to seek out other tribes and banded together, for fear, for safety.
2062: Several nomadic tribes report sightings of strange human-insect monsters occasionally emerging from the mountains above the plains. Some claim to hear horrific shrieking from caves in the mountains and keep their distance. No man who ventures inside the caves ever returns.
Years have gone by and the nomadic tribes have began to settle in to what has become life as usual. The combined tribes have found themselves to be relatively safe from the raiding parties, but conflicts still arise. The real problem now however, are the strange sightings, those tribes dwelling nearest the mountains have been reporting strange shrieking and clicking noises echoing forth from the cave systems in the mountains over their native plains. Some of the more intrepid members of the tribes have even scouted out towards the mountains and come back telling stories of people living there, but these people were not like you or I. Some were reported to have antennae, others to have chitinous skins, but it was all from a distance, perhaps they were imagining?
The tribal elders okayed several expeditions to find and begin trade with these other tribes which had been until now, unknown. Though it all turned to seem futile, as none who entered the cave systems ever seemed to find their ways back home.
2095: Several more raider clans either combine or are completely destroyed as they fight for domination over the rest.
Life goes on, the years come and go, the seasons change, the nomads grow and the raiders raid. It is at it would seem it always has been. This is life as we have known it since the great darkness, this is life as it is to be. So all the elders told their clansman.
The small raider clans, unwilling to risk themselves against the larger numbers of the nomadic tribes that have accumulated over the years, turned on one another, either combining with, or conquering other clans, or destroying them when the competition got too cocky, or too fierce. So began the growth in strength of the raider clans. Be strong, or be dead.
2111: Earth’s climate has now warmed dramatically to the point where the seasons are nearly equal again and no longer dominated by winter. Plants grow in abundance and animals repopulate.
Many years, and several generations have come and gone. The nomadic elders looked to the sky and there they saw patches of clear colour where cloud should be, a strong light shone down on their crops, and life seemed abundant. “It is the time of light,” they declared to their peoples.
And so it seemed to the nomads very much like life would continue to get better, they no longer had to travel so much to chase the warm season. They saw animals coming forth from the secret places of the earth, and their plants grew rapidly and resiliently.
Yes several generations, have gone by, a raider warlord looked skyward and saw coloured sky where cloud should be, a light caught in his eyes and blinded him momentarily. He looked to his people and declared, “This is a time of abundance, our sacrifice and toil have repaid us well.” The words met with an exuberant roar from his clansmen. The raiders could see carnage in their minds, an abundance of wealth for them to pillage.
2132: A massive earthquake rips through much of what used to be Europe. In the heart of what was once London, England, where only a massive crater was left suddenly begins to shake. Land crumbles away from the sides of the crater, exposing a large metallic vault door. It spins and then is flung open. Sunlight bathes the inside, illuminating hundreds of strangely dressed men, women and children who exit and set up a large camp inside the crater. Nomads and Raiders both watch as this procession. Suddenly another group of large metallic men boasting assault rifles step out of the large circular door way. Raiders, being the most daring and dominating immediately venture closer to the rim of the crater and peer into the growing camp watching infrastructure being built, sparks flying as large steel beams are weld together in various parts of the crater’s new city.
The earth roared, the rocks shrieked, and building groaned as old England protested the whirring and grinding of ancient mechanism beneath the crater of old London town. Mud and dirt crumbled away from the side of the crater in a massive land slide, exposing a great metallic disc. Slowly the enormous round steel slab began to turn, as it grinded to a halt, a loud click reverberated beneath the hillside, and outward it swung into the crater. Now open the vault door let the sunlight bathe over a hundred and more excited faces outline by strange garb. They exited the metal cavern and tasked themselves with setting up a large camp.
What noise? What terrific force? What queer sights there must be; and there were. As both hunter and hunted peered down 'pon the camp from the edges of the earthen bowl. Below, large metal men tramped forth from that dark hole, automatic weapons in hand. Interested, curiosity piqued, the bold Raiders crept forward for a closer look, they observed as flames grew, sparks flew, and materials arrived. A city's infrastructure was springing up before them. Fear and opportunity gleaming equally in their eyes, the future is bright.
2133: Fleets of the metallic men advance through the plains, encountering Nomads and Raider clans alike. The Nomad people run and hide but the raiders grow ever more curious, careful to keep a distance.
The metal men have been pushing out into their new world, encounters with both Raiders and Nomads ensue. Thus far everyone has remained skeptically optimistic of one another. The Nomads choose to stay way from these unnatural metallic men. The Raiders curiosity however, continues to grow, kept in check only by their greater sense of fear and self preservation.
2134: A rouge Raider clan attempts to ambush an advancing cohort of the metallic men, unafraid of their weaponry. Barrages of bullets are fired directly at the metallic men but do not penetrate. The metal ones raise their guns and within seconds destroy the rouge Raider clan. Many other clans witness this from afar along with the Nomads. A leader emerges that is able to unite the Nomads into a single group in a single camp. They refer to him as the Wandering Watchman and also as the Prophet. He instructs them to stay neutral and not provoke the invaders.
Tension has peaked, as the world watches the metal men warily, curiosity mounting, patience dwindling an opportunity arises. A rogue group of Raider vagabonds find themselves in perfect position to ambush a lone member of he metallic creatures exploration pack, 'perfect, a sheep has strayed from it's herd' they though.
The attack was ultimately short lived and futile. Instead of procuring a specimen of the metallic man to use gaining leverage and respect from other raider bands, the sorry group of vagabonds was laid to waste. Incapable of penetrating the man's armoured metallic hide with their bullets and rifles.
The return fire was quick and merciless, those near enough to see or hear the event quickly spread the news, tread not upon the affairs of metal.
The message had been made clear.
Yes, dear listener, this was a year of change. The metal man had been established as a source of power in this desolate new world, the raiders now aware of this were forced to come to terms with their loss of position, no longer considered the strongest militant group, they seemed more a nuisance, random insurgents. Forced to seek new tactics and stronger forms of attack.
And all the while the raiders groped around in their dark world grasping blindly at straws for power and meaning, a powerful visionary did indeed emerge. He wandered in to the world in a shroud of mystery and united the Nomadic Tribes into a single people. Lead them into a new state of being, a societal cohesive people. Casting down and out the impurities that besieged their new found way of life. Maintaining a tense peace and neutrality towards the metal invaders, careful not to provoke the unnatural power they possessed. In he came and lead them, a profit ushering in a new era, and they call him a watchman, “The Wandering Watchman.”
2136: The surrounding two races send spies to the crater to find out more about who the people are and anything they can learn of the metallic invaders. They return to say that the race living in the crater call themselves “Technonomicons” and that the metallic invaders are soldiers in machine suits. This interests the Raiders.
Still, curiosity is the nature of man, and so the outlying races still intrigued by the metallic race send scouts and observers to study them and report their findings. While there were mixed reports on what to call these who dwell in the crater city, “Technonomicons” in one report, “Technolians” Another, and further still the “Technocracy” or “ Technocricans” all reports agreed, these “Tech” were a race of wholly non-mutated humans, the metal men, were in fact trained soldiers in heavy electro-mechanical armoured suits.
As intriguing as this news was to everyone, the raiders especially took interest in this knowledge. It meant not only the metal men were not unstoppable, but in fact it was a power they could find a way to harness for themselves.
2137: The monsters living in the mountains seen only sporadically before become very active. The Tech sense this and send several fleets of soldiers to the foot of the mountains. They observe that the insect-human monsters are indeed mutated human experiments that escaped military compounds during the war that they avoided. The Tech name these beasts “Enclave.” An elusive figure presents himself as Caesar Lupus, leader of the Tech who resides deep in the ancient vault.
The days and nights around the mountains grew polluted with noise. Sightings of the strange monstrous creatures living within the cave system their steadily grew. Something unknown and sinister was happening in those mountains, the Tech were sure of it. So sure that they sent several contingents of soldiers into the foothills to establish outposts. It was not long before the reports started rolling in. Insect-human hybrids and various other strange abominations, obviously remnants of the war, were confirmed and classified as genetic experiments from “the avoided war,” now living freely as their own form of society undisturbed in the mountains until now. Their level of intelligence and capacity for development remained an unknown.
The lack of information displeasing the Tech leader forced him up from the depths of the vault. “This is a threat to our nation and security as a free people! These beasts, this 'Enclave' represents a black mark on our society. Who are they? What are they? What are their intentions? We must find these answers, as sure as I am Caesar Lupus, the 'Enclave' must be studied!” A small part of a far more grandiose speech. The message was no less clear to the Tech than was his position among them.
2138: The Enclave mount an offensive on the newly emerged Tech, sending thousands of drones through the valleys to destroy Crater City as an act of revenge from an ancient grudge. The Tech finish installing several autocannons around the parameter of Crater City and successfully counter the attack and protects Crater City leaving minimal losses as the Mechanical Infantry battles the drones. The Tech and Enclave are officially at war, though the Tech is greatly outnumbered.
War, death, destruction! Harbouring anger and resentment towards the military scientist, and the society that had abandoned and abused them so long ago, the Enclave attacks the Tech's home city, sending wave after wave of drone warriors. However the foothill outposts managed to relay a warning before the attackers reached Crater City, a military task force was set to guard the perimeter while an envoy of military engineers installed an automated defense system. Between the military force and the newly installed hardware, the Tech managed to turn back the Enclave's superior numbers. However the result was clear, for the first in a long time, there was officially a war. And the victor was anyone's guess.
2140: The Enclave strike again unsuccessfully but leave several dead on the ground. The Tech retaliates with poisons being tossed into the caves that the Enclave resides in.
Two years, eight seasons, 26 moons, since the original attack on Crater City was mounted. Ill will and dark thoughts had everyone sitting on edge while skirmishes gave clue to another large attack being planned all the while. Then they struck, they seemed to come out of no where, and when the dust settled, many Tech soldiers lay dead or wounded.
Outraged by the murderous assault they retaliated; Saturating the mountain homes and caves of the Enclave in a barrage of gaseous poisons. It was the first step towards a horrible and terrifying concept not seen since the twentieth century. Chemical warfare. When? Asks the world, when will the madness end? When will their be peace?
2142: With constant attacks from the Enclave, the Tech seeks an alliance with the Raiders who are finding it increasingly difficult to sack Nomad outposts. A trade of technology, information and weapons for man power, protection and supplies brings the Tech and the Raiders together as close allies. The Enclave and the Nomads remain neutral, careful to not come in contact, though the Wandering Watchman, also known as Nils the Prophet instructs them to one day mark the Enclave as an ally against the growing Tech and Raider problem.
The Enclave never gives the Tech a moment's rest, and their superior numbers have forced the Tech to begin seeking out allies. Allies which come easily, as Raiders have found it increasingly difficult to ransack the Nomads. Desperate for an edge, they gladly offer up man power in return for a few meager scraps of technology, and a small library of knowledge in addition to the military training the allied Raider soldiers would receive. As one could expect, this alliance lead to new avenues of trade between the Tech and Raiders.
Ever ready with an answer The Wandering Watchman and his Nomads keep their distance from the war and it's politics. Careful not to tread on anyone's toes. Fully aware that with an increase in Raider strength they should keep their options for an alliance with the Enclave open for the future, always aware of the growing threat. Nils, the wise Prophet instructed his diplomats to prepare for the day they would seek out assistance.
2145: A barrier is built between the Tech and the Enclave, leaving trade routes to become established in a neutral point in the Nomad’s Duskland where a town named Dustbone emerges. This community is designated as a neutral territory for all races, but danger lies just around the corner...
The war has been drawn out many years, without an end in sight. Both sides death tolls rising. The Tech resort to building a barrier between themselves and the Enclave, a desperate attempt at staving of attacks and stunting the war efforts of either side. With the massive wall in place between the territories of the sects, all large traffic is forced to route through the Nomadically settled desert in a territory called “Duskland.” It is here, if anywhere, that peace can begin. As the town of Dustbone emerges from the sands under the guidance of the Watchman and his diplomatic entourage. The new town, to become a thriving metropolis of the Nomad people is officially declared a buffer zone, designated neutral by all sects and races, a place for trade, commerce and negotiations. At best a temporary solution, with danger always lurking just around the next corner.
Last Chaos
Long before war ravaged the lands of Iris, Eres, the God of Darkness joined with Apollon, the God of Light, to create the world of mortals. Both Gods poured into this world, and its inhabitants, qualities that were unique to each. To populate the world, Apollon created the Elves born out of his love and care for all living things. From Eres, Humans were created to be ambitious, anxious to explore and enjoy the world they lived in. One among many gifts to the people of Iris, the Ethereals were created to oversee use of magic in the world and teach the Irisians how to harness it's use to better their lives.
Upon finding the world complete and to their favor, Eres and Apollon returned to their own realms to rest; Eres to Nephinth, the Realm of Darkness, and Apollon to Arosel, the Realm of Light. Occasionally the Gods would bless the Irisians with their presence, and bring along with them, their gifts. When visiting, Apollon's presence brought joy and delight to the people, while Eres' presence seemed to bring only woes and darkness in the heart of Irisians.
Eres grew jealous of the people's love for Apollon, after all, hadn't they both contributed to the world they so loved? He began hating Apollon and the world they had created. For ages he schemed while building a secret army deep within the depths of his world. Becoming totally engrossed with the task, his visits became less frequent and finally nonexistent. Over time Apollon's visits became irregular as he noticed less rejoicing when he visited the people. It seemed without the contrast of Eres' visits to dampen their spirits, the Irisian people had less need for the refreshment his presence brought.
Reign of Terror
At a time when the people of Iris had not seen or heard from either God in many generations, Eres chose to unleash his hordes. From the depths of Nephinth a bridge was created releasing into Iris thousands of orcs, werewolves, drakes and other terrible creatures born of hatred and evil. Eres created a dreadful race of enormous size, ferocity, and brute strength known as the Titans. By bonding them to his power flow, they received regenerating abilities and innate talents for battle making them the most fearsome warriors the world had ever seen. Having caught Apollon by surprise, the monstrous army swept across the land largely unchallenged. Infuriated by Eres's treachery, Apollon responded by imbuing an army of humans, giving them great skill in weaponry, speed, and battle tactics. These elite warriors became known as the Knights of Apollon and were garrisoned in the city of Randol. The Knights were, and continue to be, a powerful symbol of Apollon's love for the world and its people.
Both sides put out a call for mages, sorcerers, healers and rogues to join the battle. When thousands responded, father fought son and friend bested friend in what became a worldwide civil war. For generations the war continued with tens of thousands perishing by the sword, magic, or bow; most fighting for a cause no longer known beyond their own survival.
As the Irisians fought against the invaders and each other, in the Spirit Realm a climatic battle occurred between the Gods of Light and Dark. In his arrogance, Eres challenged Apollon to a duel to control Iris.Apollon accepted the challenge, hoping it a quick way to end the violence, and the two mighty beings clashed in the battle of the Ages. They fought in levels of power Mortals couldn't imagine, incredible amounts of energy being used by each God in hopes of total destruction of the other. They matched blow for blow for what was many long bitter years in Iris, until each collapsed, exhausted from the exertion of fighting their equal. Both wounded and spent, they retreated to their respective realms to heal and recuperate. Knowing his bond to the Titans could not be restored, Eres severed his connection with them in order to preserve what power he had left. Apollon, happy the battle accomplished something other than Eres' retreat, left his people with a promise of his return.
When their tie was broken with Eres, the Titans on Iris lost their greatest advantage. Instead of being nearly invincible, they became completely mortal allowing the Knights to slay them more easily and balancing the battle lines. With the odds more even, the two armies were at a standoff, neither giving ground. After years of not gaining an advantage, warriors of both armies succumbed to the fatigue of war and began deserting. The races became more withdrawn and isolated; battalions disbanded as Humans and Elves returned home to rebuild their shattered lives. Eventually only the Knights of Apollon and the Titans retained their structure as standing armies. After centuries of bloodshed, a time of relative peace fell across the land; skirmishes with Eres's forces occurred only in distant lands.
As news of a new army amassing far in the North and West came, a conference was called inviting members from each class of the Irisian people to attend. Leaders from among the Knights, Rogues, Mages, Healers, and a small faction of Titans (who've turned against Eres) assembled in Randol to discuss the possible threat. Only the Sorcerers refused to attend, simply sending word that they had their own plans and would wait to see how life unfolded. Several days of heated discussion ended with nothing decided. Some members of the consortium voted to attack while others wanted to wait and see what happened or ignore the threat completely. The lack of direction has left the world of Iris in chaos without any strong alliance among its people.
In preparation for a possible invasion, the Knights have increased security around the city and scouts have been sent to ascertain the threat level. Additionally, spies have been discovered within the city; while werewolves and other evil creatures approach the city walls and attack citizens with more regularity. Skirmishes occur more frequently as friend turns into foe and groups are attacked by thieves and brigands. Squads of Knights have been sent out to patrol the areas and help keep the peace, but have had little effect. Another messenger has been sent to the Sorcerers asking for assistance; their reply has been a series of riddles to be solved. No one knows what solving them may do, but hundreds are doing their utmost to decipher the mystery of the Sorcerers.
Choose Your Destiny
A new summons has been issued for those faithful to Apollon to gather in Randol and unite against the possible new threat. Be you Titan, Knight, Mage, Sorcerer, Healer or Rogue; your friends can become foes as alliances shift. Greed and fear have sown the seeds of terror with endless battles, bloody betrayals, and insatiable ambitions. A call for help has been put forth asking for help to thwart the advance of the Eres's forces. Will you support Apollon and all that is good to save the world from devastation or will you join Eres's ranks and work towards destroying Iris with dreams of personal glory? The choice is yours to make, the life is yours to live. The balance of power is in your hands, choose wisely and enter into what is the Last Chaos!
Friday, November 23, 2007
MU Continent of Legend
Much time has passed since the old Empire lost control over the Continent of MU. While the power of the central government continued to wane, feudal lords engrossed themselves in constant conflict over its control. Over time, these bloody feuds ravaged the land and destroyed the very foundations of its society. In this backdrop of strife--cultivated by mortal man's greed for power - a dark and ominous shadow fell over this once beautiful land.