Gamers Geeks
Friday, December 14, 2007
Confirmed: MGS4 and Metal Gear Online Join Together
Since the announcement of Metal Gear Online, it’s been left unclear whether or not it would be released as a standalone title or bundled together with Metal Gear Solid 4. It’s only commonsense that the two should be paired together, but early talk didn’t seem to suggest that they would be. Well, the January ‘08 issue of the new PlayStation: The Official Magazine (formerly PSM) was just dropped off in my mailbox headlined on the cover with exclusive confirmation that MGS4 and MGO are in fact being integrated into one value-packed MGS experience for the PS3. Hurray!
The news comes as part of the magazine’s “Top 10 Games of ‘08″ cover story, with MGS4 obviously sneaking away with the #1 spot. Beyond the exciting news of the MGS4/MGO merger, there are some other details revealed about MGO too, including word that it’ll support up to 16 players in modes like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill and Team Sneak on five “Starter Pack” maps. Character customization sounds like a point of emphasis for the title too, with the article stating that players will be able to customize their characters with up to three special skills (they sound very similar to the perks in Call of Duty 4), and that skills and weapons will level up over the course of play. There’s plenty more discussed as well, so keep an eye out on newsstands and pick up a copy to read up on all the details, or if you have a subscription be on the lookout for your issue to arrive anytime now.
The news comes as part of the magazine’s “Top 10 Games of ‘08″ cover story, with MGS4 obviously sneaking away with the #1 spot. Beyond the exciting news of the MGS4/MGO merger, there are some other details revealed about MGO too, including word that it’ll support up to 16 players in modes like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill and Team Sneak on five “Starter Pack” maps. Character customization sounds like a point of emphasis for the title too, with the article stating that players will be able to customize their characters with up to three special skills (they sound very similar to the perks in Call of Duty 4), and that skills and weapons will level up over the course of play. There’s plenty more discussed as well, so keep an eye out on newsstands and pick up a copy to read up on all the details, or if you have a subscription be on the lookout for your issue to arrive anytime now.
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